This is the testimony of a man who escaped
death in his toilet a while back.
The man moved from a 1 bedroom apartment to a
flat not knowing his new landlord is a secret cult
The occultic landlord specializes in causing
miscarriages for his tenants wives, causing
business problems for tenants and killing tenants
family through snakes bites and car accidents.
But this young christian family moved in and
behold in the midnight after prayer, the man of
the house tried to use the toilet.
On getting to the toilet, alas! there was a huge
cobra snake waiting to bite him in the toilet bowl.
He shouted and started praying before they
eventually killed it and burnt it to ashes. The next
day the landlord died in his flat from machete
cuts and traces of fire burns on his skin.
Is this a coincidence or not?
It is seems not given the atmosphere surrounding the incidence.